Saturday, December 12, 2009

Where's the Bees?

In reading a distillation of an alchemical text, Sir Francis Bacon is paraphrased:

The Ant experiments by haphazardly collecting and using materials, which method indicates the all-too-human tendency to use materials without clearly understanding them.

The Spider neither experiments nor collects but produces webs from its own substance, which method indicates the tendency to formulate hypotheses based upon subjective bias, opinion, and conditioning leading to the confusion of subjective ideas and beliefs with direct perception of truth.

The Bee gathers both the nectar and pollen of many flowers and, little by little, transforms this nectar into honey through individual and collective effort and inherent nature. The product of this labor is then used to feed itself, the community, and the world at large. This method indicates an approach which uses both experimentation and observation (a posteriori); as well as using direct
interior penetration (a priori) in such a way as to eliminate the abuse of either, or the confusion of the one for the other. Assistance and guidance throughout the process is provided by a community of expert practitioners; the end of which is the transformation of the self and society in the service of all Life and the Source of life.

The disappearance (and hopeful reemergence) of the honey bee can thusly be seen as a metaphorical extension of man in the world today. I find myself thinking about the current climate talks in Copenhagen and what it truly means to practice Chinese Medicine as a bee.

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