Thursday, January 06, 2005

sex, drugs, and cocoa puffs

i'm giddy about this book that my roomate greg suggested to me. its by chuck klosterman. its essentially a pop-culture rant but its wicked smart. the 23 questions he asks everyone before he decides if he really can love them. the reason gen-xers are lazy is because we grew up with the downer of empire strikes back as our guidebook to life. and these nuggets:

Every relationship is fundamentally a power struggle, and the individual in power is whoever likes the other person less.

If given a choice between hearing a great band and seeing a cool band, I'll take the latter every single time; this is why the Eagles suck.

"Where are we?" And if someone wanted to use Pam[ela Anderson] as a metaphor for the decline of American morality and the vapidity of modern relationships, they could point out that phrase as an illuminating example of a lost generation.

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