Wednesday, November 23, 2005

turkey day smackdown

so i woke up on monday afternoon in the ER with people stitching my face together. painfully. i didn't know how i got there, but when i asked they said i fell off my bike. i hit a pothole they said. the only thing i remember is going to bed sunday night. the next thing i know i'm in the ER. weird. i'm ok, minus the scars and swelling and concussion. if you have a strong stomach you can see what i looked like the day after here.

happy thanksgiving everyone.

i'm thankful i'm alive.


geoff said...

"The first rule of Fight Club is - you do not talk about Fight Club."

geoff said...

Jeebus - I realized that my comment only makes sense in the context of Brandon's beat-up face. Go look at the pictures, come back, read my previous comment, then have a hearty guffaw.