Friday, January 20, 2006

administration spying

so, i'm concerned about all this hubub about the administration spying without warrants. i'm not a lawyer. i have no idea whether it was illegal or not, and at some point that will be decided. but i do know that if it isn't illegal, it sure as hell should be. we have these checks and balances in place for a purpose, and the spirit of the law as i understand it is that this type of warantless spying should be illegal. if there was a loophole that was exploited i sure hope we close it. and quick.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I'm not sure if the loophole isn't because the wiretaps where to locations outside the country, but I agree that the administration has been stupid again. They could have gone to court as much as 72 hours after the taps and gotten retroactive orders to make them legal.