Thursday, August 02, 2007


i love voting. you know this. so whenever a big race is looming i get kinda giddy. mostly cause everyone seems to have an opinion and i like to hear how people have distilled the news and their personal life experiences to either support or not support and individual candidate. At this point, everything is very wide open: there are many democratic candidates to choose from as well as some possible late entries (keeping my fingers crossed for Gore to enter late).
I think Iraq is a non-issue. Its a very bad situation and anything you do at this point is crisis management. Clearly we need an apology in the hopes of building an international presence. Other issues are more important to me for this race, namely health-care and a sane environmental/energy policy. When I look at who offers the most compelling vision on these things I like Chris Dodd and John Edwards. Dodd's healthcare plan goes the furthest, ensuring every american is covered using a national marketplace of current providers. Dodd's energy policy is also the most comprehensive. Biodiesel isn't a total solution but a good band-aid for the moment (I want to see numbers on how much petroleum-based fertilizer it takes to fertilize all that corn). Obama and Hillary are obviously the ones to beat because they've raised the most money, but their policies are kinda dull - which isn't surprising as they're pandering to what they think the middle is. Yawn.

My friend rob is hoping for a Blumberg-Chuck Hagel ticket. Silly rob.

A neat way to see who has what money and from whom they got it is at this cool site.

What do you think? Who do you like at this point?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Enjoyed your commentary, Rob is looking especially handsome.
