Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Second Lunar Month and Hexagram 34

Boom! The Yang qi is out of the gate and running now in the second lunar month. Whereas the last month was all about balance and being pressurized like an arrow on a drawn bowstring, this month is all about release and movement. Now is the time for production, strength, and action. All those plans that we've cultivated in the winter months can now be begun with full zeal. This is symbolized with the character 卯 for this month, which is the earthly branch depicting the opening of two great doors. The energy of this month, which began on February 25th and charges until March 25th is further represented by Hexagram 34, Da Zhuang 大壯, which is often translated as great strength, focus, movement, power, or killing.


Great Strength is auspicious.


Movement with firmness, therefore strength.
Great strength is auspicious, great because of correctness.
Correctness and greatness like heaven and earth, conditions are very clear.


Thunder above Heaven, this is Great Strength.
The noble person is never impolite or treads upon.

Here, as opposed to other line translations that I've done before, you can see that the energy is very simple. There is correctness in action while checking any abuse of power at the door.

Steven Karcher corroborates:
The hexagram figure shows inner force expressing itself directly and decisively. Thunder located above heaven. This is a time for resolute action. Come out of retirement. It is important to be able to hold onto your strength, for you must judge things for yourself and proceed on your own. A great idea implies strength and power. Something solid and strong is stirring things up. This is the source of your strength. Put your ideas to the trial. Correct one-sidedness in yourself and others. Having a great idea and continually correcting your path lets you look into the heart of Heaven and Earth.

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