Friday, February 04, 2005

radiant cool

by dan lloyd. i think this book may have been written specifically for me. i had just finished a conversation with someone that i had been reading too much non-fiction lately and what i really was hungry for was a good romp with my imagination. this book delivered in a big way, and is the first fiction/non-fiction hybrid i can remember reading.

the book has two parts. first is a fictional account of a philosophy graduate student trying to uncover the mystery of consciousness as well as her advisor's mysterious disappearance. it is a delightfully playful quest for knowledge where point and counter-point allowed me to recall nearlyevery lecture of my cognitive science undergrad career. mmm, nummy nostalgia.

the second part is dan lloyd's own manuscript, putting forth his novel (get it?) theory. this part was more technical, and probably not as much fun if you're not familiar with the history of philosophy of mind. however, i loved it.

secret's out: i'm a nerd.

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